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for medical Professionals
We are actively seeking medical professionals from all specialties who are interested in joining BHRAC's team of evaluators. The clinic will provide training in conducting medical evaluations of asylum seekers and documenting evidence of torture in medical affidavits. The time commitment is very flexible and can vary from one or two evaluations per year to multiple evaluations per month, depending on the evaluator's preference. Evaluations can be conducted on weekday afternoons or during evening hours and usually take anywhere from two to four hours. Please fill out this form if you are interested in being an evaluator!

for medical students
We are always looking for dedicated, passionate medical students who are interested in volunteering. In order to become a volunteer, students must first attend an asylum training session, hosted by Physicians for Human Rights or one of its student chapters. Once trained, students work closely with physicians to evaluate asylum seekers for physical and/or psychological signs of torture and prepare medicolegal affidavits in support of their asylum applications. There are also opportunities to assist with the running of the clinic on a day-to-day basis by becoming a member of the BHRAC Student Board. Please contact us if you are interested in getting involved!

for lawyers & law firms
We welcome close collaboration with lawyers and law firms who share our goal of assisting survivors of torture. Please contact us if you are interested in partnering with us.

We encourage human rights organizations and not-for-profits who are interested in partnering with us to contact us. We work with a number of excellent organizations and are always pleased to expand our network to better serve our asylee clients.
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